As regards the treatment of a problem of athletic pubalgia, this case was approached through a specific DTS treatment, formed by two main sessions.


The patient, during the first session, started with a light warm-up in order to activate the dorsal/lumbar area, followed by two balance tests and one isometric test, using Desmotec devices. The result of the tests showed a slight imbalance towards the left side (about 20%). The patient then performed three sets of squats (with variants), using D and two sets of rotation exercises using the V, finishing the first session with three sets of sumo squats on D, equipped with disk type “PRO”. During the second session the patient repeated the same exercises using D and V, obtaining immediate results. The average balance changed from 20% to about 0%, while the pain gradually disappeared.


The Desmotec devices contributed to the identification of the patient’s slight imbalance towards the left side, therefore it was then possible to intervene and solve it along with the problem linked to pubalgia.

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