Athletic Pubalgia


As regards the treatment of a problem of athletic pubalgia, this case was approached through a specific DTS treatment, formed by two main sessions.


The patient, during the first session, started with a light warm-up in order to activate the dorsal/lumbar area, followed by two balance tests and one isometric test, using Desmotec devices. The result of the tests showed a slight imbalance towards the left side (about 20%). The patient then performed three sets of squats (with variants), using D and two sets of rotation exercises using the V, finishing the first session with three sets of sumo squats on D, equipped with disk type “PRO”. During the second session the patient repeated the same exercises using D and V, obtaining immediate results. The average balance changed from 20% to about 0%, while the pain gradually disappeared.


The Desmotec devices contributed to the identification of the patient’s slight imbalance towards the left side, therefore it was then possible to intervene and solve it along with the problem linked to pubalgia.

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ACL Rehabilitation


In the case of a patient facing an ACL rehabilitation; the whole rehab program was based on a specific path focusing on muscular reinforcement, using mainly the Desmotec D and V.


During the first phases, Desmotec devices played a very important role in monitoring the patient’s progresses on shifting the load from healthy to operated limb, using D for balance and isometric tests, followed by exercises with specific strap on the V. The last phase of the rehab process was focused on achieving the complete leg extension, complete balance recovery and full load on the limb, using the V for functional movement equipped with a specific tool and isometric works.


Desmotec devices allowed the patient to overcome the temporal gap linked to re-conditioning, in full compliance with the physiological time previously estimated. Desmotec therefore allowed to re-evaluate the whole rehab preparatory linked to the functionality of the final gesture.

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Hamstrings Tendinopathy


In the specific case of a patient (runner) affected by insertional left hamstring pain with tendinopathy, the Desmotec devices allowed the introduction of analytical and global exercises since the first stages of the rehab process.


In the first months, the main goal was to remove any form of pain at rest and during the deambulation phase. Then, some specific exercises focused on contraction along with the isometric phase were introduced, using D and V devices. The patient started a cycle of three training sessions per week, using Desmotec devices and alternating these sessions with running trainings. After the first two weeks, the patient then started a macro-cycle of 24 sessions focused on strength-work, one and two legs squats, using the D device, in order to improve the patient’s strength in the lower limbs, along with mono-articular exercises of pull from prone and standing position, aimed at improving selective strength, using V device.


Desmotec machines allowed the continuation of the different phases regarding the rehab protocol previously studied, also giving the possibility to compare the patient’s improvements in increasing his strength and power.

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